You identify the trade and then simply let this tool manage it for you!
We all know just how important Position Sizing and Risk Management is to become and Stay profitable with our trading. Risking too much or too little on every trade has a detrimental effect on our Profit and Loss and perhaps even more so, our emotions. Learn how our QPSRM tool works.

Equally important is knowing how and when to exit a trade. Most traders can find a good trade but that trade is only as good as the exit it is connected to.
a Stoploss and a trailing stoploss is absolutely essential, Even more so than a profit target.
We have created this Tool to help us calculate, optimize and automate our Risk management approach and Stoplosses. We are sure that it will help you greatly as well.
QPSRM in Action
Once the tool is enabled, you simply have to click the Green Q-PS+ button and the tool will buy the correct number of contracts based on your risk settings and account size. (Red Q-PS – button to sell short)
The profit target will be entered and the trailing stoploss will activate.
The button color will change to Olive Green and the text will change to Close L. If you press this button again the tool will exit the position.
Clicking the Red Q-PS button when the tool is Long will close out the Long position and enter a short position along with its profit targets and stoplosses.
We found that even if you take random entries, you can still be profitable if you manage your exits and risk effectively.

Now just imagine what you can do with your great entries combined with the power of this tool!
We have created a User Manual which is attached to this download that clearly explains all the settings and usage of this tool.